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RNP/Sm (non recombinant; bovine)/RNP/Sm (非重组,牛)

产品分类 > 自身免疫性风湿疾病ANA/ENA > RNP/Sm (non recombinant; bovine)/RNP/Sm (非重组,牛)

RNP/Sm (non recombinant; bovine)/RNP/Sm (非重组,牛)

促销: 0.00
0.1mg 1mg

(non recombinant; bovine)
Antigen Specification
Product Number: 11600
Description:Bovine RNP/Sm ribonucleoprotein complex. Natural antigen for solid (ELISA) and fluid phase diagnostic assays.
Immunological function:Binds IgG-type human auto-antibodies.
Origin:Native. Purified from bovine tissues by protein-chemical methods.
Biochemical tests:SDS-PAGE (purity > 80 %); Western blot with RNP/Sm positive sera.
Immunological tests/Functionality: Immunodot test with positive/negative sera panels.
Recommended buffer/storage and handling conditions:
Recommendations for storage buffer: ionic strength between 100 and 300 mM salt, neutral to slightly alkaline pH and 20% glycerol as cryoprotective agent. Storage temperature: –70° to–80° C. Repeated freeze/thaw cycles should be avoided.