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Ro/SS-A (60 kDa; recombinant)

产品分类 > 自身免疫性风湿疾病ANA/ENA > Ro/SS-A (60 kDa; recombinant)

Ro/SS-A (60 kDa; recombinant)

产品货号:17400 /17401
促销: 0.00
0.1mg 1mg

   Binding of biotin to streptavidin is one of the strongest non-covalent interactions known in nature. This feature is used in innovative bead-based technologies to improve diagnostics by investigating multiple targests in one sample or applying standard-procedures with high throughput capability. DIARECT's biotinylated Ro/SS-A (60 kDa; rec.) represents a further development of the established antigen.