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Crohns Disease
Crohns disease (CD) is one of the two most frequently occurring inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) in Caucasians. Mucosal inflammation in CD appears to occur when dysregulation of the immune system leads to an imbalance between tolerance to commensal microbiota or food-derived antigens and immunity to pathogens. It has been shown that autoimmune mechanisms play a role in the development of CD, and exocrine pancreas autoantibodies (PAB) are disease-specific in CD patients. Recently, it was demonstrated that glycoprotein 2 (GP2) is the major autoantigenic target recognized by CD-specific PAB. In addition to IgG and IgM PAB isotypes, IgA pancreatic autoantibodies have also been detected in CD patients.
GP2 is a highly glycosylated 78 kDa protein with N-linked carbohydrates. It accounts for up to 40 percent of all zymogen granule (ZG) membrane proteins in pancreatic acinar cells and is linked to the ZG membrane via a glycosyl phosphoinositol (GPI) anchor. 

GP2 antigen from DIARECT is produced in the baculovirus / insect cell expression system.


克罗恩病(Crohns Disease, CD)和溃疡性结肠炎(Ulcerative Colitis, UC) 是两种在欧美国家常见的炎症性肠病 (Inflammatory Bowel Disease, IBD)。在正常状态下,机体对体内共生细菌和食物来源抗原的刺激处于免疫耐受状态,但是能够识别外界病原体进而激活免疫系统。当这种免疫平衡处于失衡状态时,局部粘膜就会发生发生炎症反应。研究发现,自身免疫机制在CD病的发展中起着一定的作用。抗胰腺外分泌腺抗体(Pancreas Autoantibodies, PAB) 是克罗恩病患者特异性的标志。最近已经被证明糖蛋白2(GP2)是CD特异性PAB识别的主要自身抗原靶点。除了PAB IgG和IgM同型抗体,胰脏自身抗体IgA也可以在CD病人中别检测到。
 GP2是一个高糖基化的78kDa N联糖类蛋白质。在胰腺腺泡细胞中GP2占酶原粒膜蛋白的40%,并通过糖基磷酸肌醇锚定连接到到酶原颗粒膜上。
